Barbara Smith
I have lived in Greensboro for 34 years. I have found it to have many different characteristics: nice, unusual, and downright strange.
Being a public school teacher in the community afforded me the opportunity to meet and talk with many different people. One of the most interesting thoughts newcomers to the community agree on is that this is a very pretty city with some very nice old homes. Many also agree that it is a difficult town to live in when you are not from here. The community usually doesn’t accept strangers into their community circles easily or freely.
People here think no matter what your education level, there is still a place for “Blacks” and that we are not on their level. Whites will not work with you unless there is a specific need and you have what they want... simply, “There is a place for all Blacks.”
One thing I would like to see is all the people get together and really try to make improvements in our community. We need more jobs, more services to the community, more programs in our schools, and better accountability from our administrators, teachers, students, and parents.
The Hale County school system, especially in Greensboro, does not reflect the real world. Greensboro East, the school where I worked for 30 years, still does not have one student enrolled that is not Black and very little support from the White community in any athletic programs at the East Campus. Some of our students have never seen another race at activities on East Campus. Volleyball, basketball, and track are the sports housed at East Campus. During football season the black community is supportive and attends the games in large numbers. I would love to see the same kind of support for both campuses. In a county of around 3,400 students why do we need seven different schools?
Think of what kind of quality programs and services we could provide for all of our youth with smaller overhead. I have always been of the opinion that all our youth deserve the same quality education that the more affluent school systems offer to their children. I think there is a desperate need for programs and services for the children under five. There is a need for educational, recreational, and mentoring activities for our regular and at-risk students. I honestly believe that either you invest in our youth at an early age with programs and services, or you pay for them in our court and penal system as adults. Which is cheaper and lends for a better community for us?
I love the city of Greensboro and Greensboro East School. I want them to be the best they can be. I want them to be light for the whole world to see and say that they are m.a.d.: making a difference in the life of all our citizens regardless of color, income, educational status, age, or any other cultural differences.
Barbara Smith. Greensboro, Alabama
Outsidein. A Community Space for Hale County
outsidein: a community space for hale county. build space with your voice.
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