Bill Peveler


When we came to the Moundville area we thought it was a great little town, but it lacked a place where everybody could go. That’s what we wanted, and we created Java High. We put the patio on to invite people to be outside and enjoy it. Having everyone feel welcome in a place helps community go to another level.

A community or group of communities needs a place where everybody can feed off each other's ideas and support each other. You can grow by yourself and experience life, but you can’t make change by yourself. Coming together gives us that strength... one by one. If we can’t express ourselves we wither and die.

It’s like a vine: as a vine grows it has to have a place to grow, if it has no place to grow it will smother itself out.

Bill Peveler

Business Co-owner, Java High Café. Moundville, Alabama

Outsidein. A Community Space for Hale County.


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outsidein: a community space for hale county. build space with your voice.

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