Reverend James Carter
You can’t move, you can’t build, you can’t grow without loving.
We are inextricably bound. Each of us is in dire need: one of the other. It has nothing to do with what color you are, what nationality you are, where you are from, or whether you are rich or poor.
Community is everything. Whatever my community is, that’s what I am. Whatever problems exist in my community are my problems too.
The community at large has to come together and work together for good in order to continue. If we reach out and try to be there for one another there is a ripple effect.
It means something to have a place to come together. It’s not the structure, it’s the unity more than anything else. If you've got the unity you will see an elegance. There may not be expensive materials, but if we give our very best, our coordination, it illuminates and reflects that we are at our best.
Unity is a bond you can’t see but you can feel. It’s real. Unity is so important for development, in order for community to grow.
Reverend James Carter
Mt. Horeb Baptist Church. Newbern, Alabama
The Greater St. Stephen’s Baptist Church. Sawyerville, Alabama
Outsidein. A Community Space for Hale County.
outsidein: a community space for hale county. build space with your voice.
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© chaffee 2004