Kristie Howell
Hale County is the largest producer of catfish in the state of Alabama. I teach Aquaponics here. We grow fish that provide nutrients, and we grow plants that absorb the nutrients. They are benefiting from each other, and they need each other. Without the plants cleansing the water the fish would not survive and the other way around.
In a community this is important because there's a sense of cohesion in making something work. There is an agreement that needs to happen to make something out of our interconnection. The fish waste would be a byproduct that some people would toss out, but we are converting it into a resource that the plants are using. We are seeing the benefits of thinking of an alternative to the way it normally would be and applying work into that process.
If we didn’t think through what we could do with this waste, the natural thing would be to pump it out. The students have a vision for what they want to happen here, and are applying the knowledge they are receiving in the classroom. It’s a step by step process, and they were here from step one. Some of these kids put the seeds in so they have a vested interest. When the surfaces get a little algae on them you can find them with their sponges cleaning. There is a sense of pride.
I want the community to know that this is a community project. We're servicing kids from the whole county. The products of this are yours. Your children have done this, and we should all be excited about it.
Educators and all people in the community have the role of giving children love. A lot of times kids just need a hug, or to know that someone believes in them. It is my job to open their eyes to science and help them explore avenues in an academic way, but also to let them know that there's someone who loves them. Every time they come in my classroom and leave I want them to know that I care about them individually.
Kristie Howell
Aquaponics Teacher, Hale County Tech School. Greensboro, Alabama.
Outsidein. A Community Space for Hale County.
outsidein: a community space for hale county. build space with your voice.
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